The Ottawa We Want Wiki

Beyond your individual commitment to making a change, this page explores how you can demonstrate your status as a local owner in the community.

In a democracy we are all owners. We all share in a collective responsibility for the future of our community. That responsibility does not simply begin and end with a public voting process that disengages people and allows people to shirk their collective responsibilities. It begins with a process of envisioning a set of possibilities that we can all share and then translating them into necessary commitments and shared decision making that end in joint action and the realization of the Community We Want.

What underlies this active democracy are the many, many conversations that we have amongst ourselves. This page outlines how this can be accomplished in a big place like Ottawa, and how we can possibly re-create a sense of community and shared governance that would suggest that we actually lived in Ottawa and that we had a stake in its future. As owners we care for the place and the people. In creating the Ottawa We Want we demonstrate we're not just passing through.
